Predict the future by creating it

You didn’t come this far to stop.


Som una associació cultural de Tarragona que ajuda als artistes i la ciutat a portar a terme els seus projectes. El nostre objectiu és fomentar la creativitat i promoure la cultura a través de diferents esdeveniments i activitats.
woman in green and brown traditional dress holding brown woven basket
woman in green and brown traditional dress holding brown woven basket
tiger statue near green trees during daytime
tiger statue near green trees during daytime

Que hem fet?

Activitats i col.laboracions passades

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smiling woman in white and black checkered dress shirt
smiling woman in white and black checkered dress shirt
green leaf plant near white wall
green leaf plant near white wall
man in black framed eyeglasses sitting on black chair
man in black framed eyeglasses sitting on black chair